Wednesday, July 2, 2008


In short:
This is my new home for photos, and text.

At length:
I am interested in examining and writing about what an image means culturally and personally.
There has been important texts written about the significance of photography to society, and how the manipulation of an image can change societal opinion. The first text that comes to mind is On Photography by Susan Sontag. However, a lot of her hypothesis were not thoroughly researched. Leaving holes in the concepts presented. I see these holes as an opportunity for me and anyone else who has something to say "on photography"!

A great drawing professor of mine, Cintron, once said "never stop should make 100 drawings a day, even if you are just tracing in your mind". I take what he said to heart. It is both a blessing and a crutch. I find myself "making photographs" even when I am not carrying a camera. People often catch me with a staring "problem".

Although it is difficult for me to separate myself from my is time for me to take responsibility for the images that I have brought into the world. AFTERIMAGE will also inform the new images that I will conceive.

What is an afterimage?

Thank you for visiting!
me at age 3 or 4

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