Thursday, July 3, 2008

images from high school

I created this portrait at LTV Steel, when the steel industry still alive here in the "rust belt". We were terrified to shoot in this conveyor belt building; we went on a Sunday hoping that less employees could catch us trespassing.

It was the first photo that I ever created by "breaking and entering". Marne wore a dirty dust mask found on-site.

I was interested in the idea of food wrapping, and consumption. I was creating portraits in the fashion of an Andy Warhol horror flick. I always liked to play on the idea of a heroine. Michelle McKay, seen here was my partner in crime. We came up with performances that we called "crazy schemes". Through middle school and early high school we were inseparable. Both left-handed, both with the same name and the same initials she was both my twin and my opposite. I liked David Bowie, she liked Syd Barret; I liked the Meat Puppets, she preferred REM. We had all-night marathons of rental movies from B-WARE VIDEO, and wore pajamas to school.

It was a creative time for me, and I was never alone.

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